- * Indicates required field
After you have filled up your information ,
please take time to read those bible stories of the bible
and jot down what was your favorite story and why .
Choose one among those stories- Creation Genesis 1,2
- Adam and Eve Genesis3
- Cain and Abel Genesis 4
- Samson and Delillah Jugdes16
- David and Goliath ,1samuel17
- David and Jonathan
- Jacob and Esau Genesis25 until 27 Jonah ,Jonah 1, 2,3,4,
- Esther and the king Esther5
- Ruth and Naom Ruth 1,2 ,3
- The boy who ran naked ,Mark15:51-52
- Peter was fishing naked ,John21:7
- Two sons ,Mtthew 21:28-32
- Prodigal son Luke 15:11-32
- The parable of ten virgins Matthew25
Comprehension of the Text...
-How long did this take you to finish the whole reading of the story .
- What difficulties did you encounter in the reading and how did you overcome them .
- Is there any need of help or assistance you would like to come up with in order to facilitate the individual learning I.
-How about the group learning, is that something to consider ?
Let us know more about in order to well serve you .
I.What is your favorite part of the service?
(you could choose among those : praise and worship , testimony time ,special song , offering time , children time , bible game time , drama time , preaching time , announcement, prayer time or intercession , fellowship and eating time .)
II.What is your favorite songs among the songs we always sing ?
III. What is the message you can still remember that was preached at JGIC ,and who preached ,what exactly did it bless you .
IV.Which one you prefer , the bible as a book or digital bible .
V. We always go to PICNIC at summer time ,most of the time we go with John Kaptein and King'sway church and last time we went with salvation army with Pastor Peter and Pr Gregory of EGLESIA PENTECOSTAL Ria Da Vida (ERDV) . Tell us your experience with both of them and which one would you recommend .
VI. We have youth Sunday special once per month, tell us more about it .
VII. Would you like to see one day the youth from king sway church and ERDV and Salvation Army coming together for a special conference ? when .How much would you like to it happen per year.
VIII. What do you see yourself becoming in the ministry in the future: a pastor ?- Just a disciple ?
- An Elder ?
- A deacon
- An evangelist ?
- A bishop?
- An Apostle?
- A missionary ?
- A teacher ?
- A Doctor?
- Or someone we did not indicate here on the list ?
X. This 2020, what is your prayer request relating to your spiritual growth. what would you like to achieve as a disciple of Jesus Christ .